
Dr. Irnawati, S.Si., M.Sc.

Kepala Laboratorium
Jl. Pangeran Antasari Anduonohu, Poasia, Kendari

Kelompok Keilmuan Analisis Farmasi dan Kimia Medisinal


  1. S1 Biologi (Universitas Halu Oleo, Kendari)
  2. S2 Farmasi (Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta)
  3. S3 Farmasi (Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta)




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Bidang Penelitian

  1. Analisis Farmasi
  2. Autentikasi dan Kemometri


  1. Syifa, Fella, Irnawati, Riyanta, A. B., & Rohman, A. (2020). Authentication analysis of snakehead fish oil using combination of ftir spectra and chemometrics. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 13(1), 160–167.
  2. Tejamukti, E. P., Setyaningsih, W., Irnawati, Yasir, B., Alam, G., & Rohman, A. (2020). Application of FTIR spectroscopy and HPLC combined with multivariate calibration for analysis of xanthones in mangosteen extracts. Scientia Pharmaceutica, 88(3), 1–11.
  3. Windarsih, A., Irnawati, & Rohman, A. (2020). Application of FTIR – ATR spectroscopy and chemometrics for the detection and quantification of lard oil in bovine milk fat. Food Research, 4(5), 1732–1738.
  4. Windarsih, A., Rohman, A., & Irnawati. (2022). The use of FTIR spectroscopy combined with pattern recognition and multivariate calibration for rapid authentication of Etawa goat milk from soymilk. Food Research, 6(4), 337–344.
  5. Windarsih, Anjar, Arsanti Lestari, L., Erwanto, Y., Rosiana Putri, A., Irnawati, Ahmad Fadzillah, N., Rahmawati, N., & Rohman, A. (2021). Application of Raman Spectroscopy and Chemometrics for Quality Controls of Fats and Oils: A Review. Food Reviews International, 1–20.
  6. Windarsih, Anjar, Riyanto, S., & Martono, S. (2020). Pumpkin Seed Oil: Extraction, Physico-chemical Properties, Biological Activities, and Its Authentication Analysis. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 13(01), 36–46.
  7. Yulyana, A., Hastuti, A. A. M. B., Rohman, A., Setiawan, B., Khasanah, F., & Irnawati. (2023). Heavy metal levels in fish products in Indonesia: a survey. Food Research, 7(2), 74–84.