Asriullah Jabbar

Dr. Asriullah Jabbar, S.H., S.Si., M.P.H., Apt

Ketua Unit Jaminan Mutu dan Sistem Informasi
Jl. Poros Kendari-Andoolo, Ranomeeto, Konawe Selatan

Kelompok Keilmuan Biologi Farmasi


  1. S1 Hukum (Universitas Sulawesi Tenggara, Kendari)
  2. S1 Farmasi (Universitas Panca Sakti, Makassar)
  3. Profesi Apoteker (Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta)
  4. S2 Ilmu Kesehatan (Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta)
  5. S3 Farmasi (Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta)




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Bidang Penelitian

  1. Isolasi Senyawa Bahan Alam
  2. Elusidasi Struktur
  3. Aktivitas Biologi Senyawa Bahan Alam


  1. Jabbar, A., Hamzah, H., Nandini, E., Nurwijayanto, A., Setyowati, E., Syakri, S., Rija&rsquo, I, H. R., & Mubarak, M. (2022). The Effectiveness of Begonia Multangula Blume Leaf Ethanol Extract as Polymicrobial Antibiofilm on Catheters. Egyptian Journal of Chemistry, 65(13).
  2. Jabbar, A., Wahyuono, S., Puspitasari, I., & Sahidin, I. (2021). Free radical scavenging activity of methanol extract and compounds isolated from stems of Etlingera rubroloba A.D Poulsen. International Journal of Pharmaceutical  Research, 13(1), 1099–1105.
  3. Ilyas Y., M., Sahidin, I., Jabbar, A., Yodha, A. W. M., Diantini, A., Pradipta, I. S., Amalia, R., Febrianti, R. M., Hadisaputri, Y. E., Ghozali, M., & Julaeha, E. (2023). Effect of Immunomodulating Extract and Some Isolates from Etlingera rubroloba A.D. Poulsen Fruits on Diabetic Patients with Tuberculosis. Molecules, 28(5),
  4. Jabbar, A., Sahidin, I., Monstavevi, S., Malaka, M., Malik, F., & Ilyas, M. Y. (2022). Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Ethanol Extract Stem of Etlingera rubroloba A.D. Poulsen. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 25(10), 885–891.
  5. Jabbar, A., Wahyuono, S., Puspitasari, I., & Sahidin, I. (2021). Xanthine Oxidase Inhibitory Activity and DPPH radical scavenging Assay of isolated compound from Etlingera rubroloba (Blume) A.D Poulsen stem. International Journal of Pharmaceutical  Research, 13(1), 1994–2002.
  6. Hamzah, Pratiwi, S. U. T., Jabbar, A., Mochtar, C. F., Rahmah, W., & Hafifah, A. S. (2022). Tracing Antibiofilm Activity And Biofilm eradication of Bajakah Tampala (Spatholobus littoralis HASSK) Ethanol Extract Against Pseudomonas aeruginosa Biofilm. European Chemical Bulletin 11(8), 5


  1. Jabbar, A dkk., 2023, Pengantar Farmakogi, Edisi Pertama, Penerbit Wawasan Ilmu, Jawa Tengah, ISBN : 978-623-132-002-5.
  2. Hamzah, H & Jabbar, A, 2022, Fitoterapi Farmasi, Edisi Pertama,  PT. Pena Persada Kerta Utama, Jawa Tengah, ISBN: 978-623-455-333-8


  1. Ikatan Apoteker Indonesia (2006-sekarang)
  2. Indonesia Biofilm Research Collaboration Center (IBRCC) (2022 – sekarang)